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What Is A Personal Branding Photoshoot & Why You Should Book One


July 6, 2024

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Over the last 15 years I have focused heavily on wedding photography and working closely with couples. However, in the last two years I have found a spark of passion for personal branding photoshoots. While working on my own business, I have come to realize the importance of good branding, personal branding photoshoots and why they are so incredibly important to anyone who has a business that they want to thrive and build.

I am a nerd when it comes to my business. I am always learning new things to grow in areas that I know nothing about. If I want to get better at my job, I do it myself by educating myself to learn a new skill or tool. Whether it’s SEO, marketing, budgeting or something to do with photography, I go into a deep dive and become obsessed with that one thing. Right now, it’s all about branding. I even recently downloaded Adobe’s Illustrator to see if I could learn a little bit about creating my own logo and brand. It’s still a work in progress, but I am determined to get it down. I mean, I did teach myself photography without going to school, so I know it can be done.

If you are building a business or own a business and need help growing it with new leads, there are a few things to consider. I’ve created a list to break it all down for you.

  1. Professional Vibes: Great photos make you look super professional. They show everyone that you’re serious about your business and that you can be trusted. Showing your face on your website or social media helps your clients build trust by knowing who is behind the company. Have you ever been to a website and wondered why there aren’t any photos of the owners or managers? How does that make you feel compared to seeing photos of the owners on the page? You don’t build a connecting, do you? This is exactly my point.
  2. First Impressions Matter: People often judge a book by its cover. High-quality photos can help make sure that the first impression people have of you is a fantastic one, making them more likely to want to work with you. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone to a gorgeous wedding venue and they have awful photos on their website that doesn’t show off their venue’s beauty and charm at all.
  3. Consistency is Key: Having a set of professional photos means you can keep your look consistent across all your platforms—your website, social media, business cards, you name it. This consistency helps people recognize and trust your brand. Think about a company that you follow that is consistent. Can you think of one that isn’t?
  4. Telling Your Story: Branding photos can tell the story of who you are and what your business is all about. People are wired for stories and want to connect through your personal, unique story (thank you Brene Brown). They can show off your personality, your workspace, and what makes you unique, helping you connect with your audience. People want to connect with you and want to know more about who they are supporting.
  5. Stand Out: In a crowded market, it’s important to stand out. Professional photos can help set you apart from the competition by highlighting your unique style and approach. This also kind of ties into telling your story as well.
  6. Marketing: High-quality images are a must for marketing and PR. They can be used in press releases, media features, and promotions, ensuring you always have the perfect visuals to go with your message.
  7. Social Media Love: I am a HUGE fan of social media. It’s where I get 90% of my business. Engaging and eye-catching photos do wonders on social media as they help grab your audience’s attention, boost engagement, and grow your following. Not only do I love social media for gaining new followers, it’s also where I tell my followers what I have been up to lately. If you are needing help in your social media game, send me a message and I would love to help connect you to some ways I can help you.
  8. Boost Your Confidence: If you are like me, you don’t love being in front of the camera, but with a good photographer, they will know how to direct you and pose you to where you will feel like a million bucks. It’s why I suggest meeting with your photographer beforehand to make sure you are a good fit. This confidence can shine through in your networking, pitching, and everyday business interactions.
  9. Brand Harmony: Personal branding photos help keep your brand looking consistent with visuals that match your brand’s colors, themes, and vibe. This consistency is crucial for building a recognizable brand. There is so much research behind this, I would probably need to write an entirely different post just about this.
  10. Long-Term Investment: Investing in a personal branding photoshoot gives you a library of images you can use for a long time, as well as networking with someone new that will be able to refer others to your business. It’s a cost-effective way to keep your professional image fresh and polished. I always suggest doing at least two sessions. Different businesses might need more branding photoshoots more than others. Talk to your photographer about how many they suggest booking.

Personal branding photoshoots are a great investment that can help you attract and keep clients, build trust, and effectively share your brand’s story and values. Plus, they’re a lot of fun! If you don’t believe me, I have plenty of great reviews that will tell you! With each one of my bookings, I have a consultation to go over any questions you might have. We will also talk about what to wear, how to prepare, and how I will tell your story. A photo list is a great way to help communicate with me what you are looking for.


If you are looking for more information on how to book a branding session or if you are simply just looking for more help in your photography business, send me a message and I would absolutely love to chat with you more about how I can help your business grow.


Thank you to the lovely Kim Trang for trusting me with your headshots in Paris this spring.


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